

This book is a collection of writings by Dr. Edward Bach – the creator of the Bach flower remedies system of natural healing. For the first time, all of Dr. Bach’s writings have been gathered into one book – and translated into Croatian! The book contains his early works, as well as his last and most significant work, The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies. By applying 38 different flower remedies, it is possible to treat all human states of mind or emotions. This system is completely harmless, simple, and available for everyone to use.

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The book in Croatian: Heal Thyself and Other Complete Writings of dr Edward Bach

Prepared and edited by: Ana Klikovac (formerly Šafran), BFRP

This book is a collection of writings by Dr. Edward Bach – the creator of the Bach flower remedies system of natural healing. For the first time, all of Dr. Bach’s writings have been gathered into one book – and translated into Croatian! The book contains his early works, as well as his last and most significant work, The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies. By applying 38 different flower remedies, it is possible to treat all human states of mind or emotions. This system is completely harmless, simple, and available for everyone to use.

In this book, dr. Bach describes the benefits of using flower essences for healing, but also talks a lot about handling the life situations we all go through – about our attachments, about the relationship between parents and children, about choosing our profession and recognising life’s calling, about human flaws and virtues, and about much more.

The advice and examples given in this book will surely be valuable words of wisdom to you, as dr. Bach vividly describes each of his topics, and supports them with examples from his practice.

The book should be read slowly and calmly, word for word, so you may recognize in it those words that you need today to find a solution or comfort for your problems and troubles.

Today, Bach flower remedies are very well known and widespread in the world, and education about this system is conducted in more than 40 countries. There are currently 2,630 registered Bach practitioners worldwide, and Bach’s writings have been translated into 25 different languages.

Take a look at excerpt: Excerpt – dr. Bach’s writings – Croatian

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