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Title: Motivational quotes by Dr Edward Bach

Prepared and edited by: Ana Klikovac PhD, BFRP

Publisher: ASHUH

Year of publication: 2024

Paperback, pocket book size, 10×18 cm

Number of pages: 166

ISBN 978-953-49850-2-1

Language English

Examples of quotes in the book:

Real health is happiness, and a happiness so easy of attainment because it is a happiness in small things; doing the things that we really do love to do, being with the people that we truly like.

If we follow from start to finish our very own ideals, our very own desires with all the strength we possess, there is no failure, our life has been a tremendous success, a healthy and a happy one.

Let us find the one thing in life that attracts us most and do it. Let that one thing be so part of us that it is as natural as breathing; as natural as it is for the bee to collect honey, and the tree to shed its old leaves in the autumn and bring forth new ones in the spring.

The further we advance, the greater blessing we become to those around.


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